tagged iraq

This is some of the stories from my project ‘North Of Mosul’, currently covering the war in northern Iraq, working on assignment for History’s channel new series with weekly updates called ‘HistoryNow’, captions follow:

1, ‘This was my house, now is just rubble’, says Said, an Assyrian from a small village near Mosul who is 71 and lost his home to an allied airforce campaign pushing out Daesh insurgent warriors.
2, To remind him, a soldier from northern Iraq in the Nineveh region tattooed a date on his finger when he and his family had to run away from their homes because of ISIS.
3, Training squad tactics in an abandoned town near the war frontline with the self called Islamic State or ISIS/ISIL. Sometimes mortars and rockets are flying over us, just keep your hand steady.
4, Assyrian soldier who is called Valentino by friends grew up near Mosul and witnessed many atrocities when the insurgents from ISIL took over his town. “Some of my muslim friends turned ISIS, I cannot understand that” he says and doesn’t want to get into details, just replies; “You have seen the videos online, it is just like that, crazy”.

Back in Northern ‪‎Iraq‬, working with History channel on a new series called History NOW


History NOW is a collection of timely and relevant stories that can only be experienced, documented and shared right now. Throughout 2016, “HISTORY NOW” will feature hundreds of evolving stories, with new characters being introduced every month and new content made available nearly every day, creating a living time capsule of the year’s events.
These stories will capture significant and transformative events from the perspective of those who are living them. The coming months will feature a constantly evolving roster of powerful videos from those on the front lines of history, all from their unique first-person perspectives.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192FW_nduLQ
Series: http://www.history.com/shows/history-now

Small war shrine with Jesus and attack rifle, followed by dead ISIL patrol laying down bodies, like sleeping man yet without life, and the blessings on the frontline, the edge of war. Jihad insurgents following their own god to hell, with fake promises of heavens, blind warriors sacrifice their gift of life for evil

see it here -> http://facebook.com/janhusar/videos/vb.639993329422697/953970401358320/

From my photography work for print and online edition of Russian Snob Magazine, similar kind as Vanity Fair like monthly mag. Really quite nice binding, with eight pages story of American training Iraqi christians to fight the so-called Islamic State insurgents.

Northern Iraq, autonomous region of Kurdistan

North of Mosul

While politicians argue about the participation of entire countries and military units in the fight against ISIL * someone is with his own private war. Sergei Guly met with American who is teaching the art of war in Iraq for Assyrian Christians, and talked to him about how to survive among a total of jihad. Survive and win.
